Why do YOU support nuclear power?

There are many reasons to support nuclear power - from cleaner air to lower power bills to good jobs and more! We want to hear YOUR reason. Tell us why you support nuclear power.

Showing 2 reactions

  • Malcolm Hicks Jr
    answered 2022-03-02 21:24:58 -0500
    Q: There are many reasons to support nuclear power - from cleaner air to lower power bills to good jobs and more! We want to hear YOUR reason. Tell us why you support nuclear power.
    A: Well today with all the talk of misinformation and insurrection an this and that, being a conspiracy theory I believe nuclear power is a gift from God beautiful clean burning energy that won’t affect any emission problems I believe that the nuclear industry is very misunderstood because there’s a lot of degenerates out there they just don’t wanna do any research to try to understand just how nuclear power plants run and operate here in the United States they always seem to run to the worst case scenarios Chernobyl,Fukushima etc. i’m a meat cutter but I really wish if I had my life to do over I would’ve gotten involved in the nuclear power industry because I’m sure it’s a very wonderful place to work in a nuclear power plant.👊👊👊☢️☢️☢️
  • Clarence Hubler
    answered 2022-03-02 18:38:19 -0500
    Q: There are many reasons to support nuclear power - from cleaner air to lower power bills to good jobs and more! We want to hear YOUR reason. Tell us why you support nuclear power.
    A: I support nuclear power because the energy is carbon-free and the power produced is consistent. It doesn’t rely on the photons from the sun that are inconsistent because of cloud coverage, which is increasing because climate change temperature increase is forming more and more clouds and changing wind profiles, which affects, and possibly lowing output from wind turbines.